Welcome To Saurov's Blog


Visit in Kuakata

Welcome to all visitors. This is a beach name Kuakata Beach. This beach very famous for Bangladesh. It's very beautiful Place. So come here to spend your time. Click here top to details.

Lern n Earn

Hi there you will be glad to know that, now you can learn here about money making and i am sure you will be successful after learning this

Youtube video downlad news

Hi there, every one can learn how to download youtube video. and anymore about youtube.

Sell and Buy now your products

Wow. Now you can sell and buy your product from Amazone.com. This is a big online sell and buying market place.

About Me

Welcome to all visitors. Hi i am Saurov Barua. I live in Bangladesh. This is my new website about many kind of valuable things. i think you will be helpful from this site.

Friday 12 August 2011

Making Money with Blogging

Blogging is very easy way to make money by a website, because once you are established, that opens up many  chances to dip into other income streams. Given the propensity of other blogs out there today, it is  imperative to create a unique angle that will attract readers and eventually, advertisers. Top bloggers earn thousands per month from advertisers paying them to leave ads on their blogs for their millions of readers to potentially click on. Advertisers like this because they have a targeted audience already assembled for them; they just need a mechanism to get the traffic to their site. So you can easily earn with your website by witting  articles.

Thursday 28 July 2011


Friday 17 June 2011


Earn from PTC site named 'palmbux'

There is a lots of ptc site but maximum site is fack. Its important that without any experience we can't identify the fack site. Now we will describe a believable site named palm bux. This is the advantage of you that its pay you after only $2 dollar earning. So its easy for you and you can check this site after a little risk. Try it to get the earning from online.
If you want to attend here and want to earn you have to an alertpay pay account for paying your earning. Actually its just like a bank. If  you want to open an account see the alertpay topics.Or if you have an alertpay account no need to open new account.
How to open an palmbux account:

1. To enter palmbux registration click below. 
2. Fill the form properly just you can follow the picture below.

3. Your User name and password will be send to your mail. So check your mail and gent name, password.
How will you work after registration:
1. login by user name and password.
2. First you have to see the account page after login.
3. Click 'View ads' to see the ads and you can see the page just like below.
4. Red and cross sign is your ads. So click the ads. you can see like below and again click the red circle.
5. After opening new page wait sometimes you can see like below photo.
6. Now click the latter from right site which is common with left.
7. Again wait for the gaining account preview. Then, close the page and see the next ads sam process. At last go to the account page to see your update balance and logout lastly.
A man can tell that its really a slow process for earnig but no matter if your refer amount is well you can gain a good ammount. So try to build up refer by spreading the refer of you

Thursday 16 June 2011

Recent News

News no.1
How to download to youtube video ?
Actually a lot of visitors don't know that how to download you tube video. Its really important for you and others. Some people say that I have download you tube video but its dont run. yes, its a problem but that solution is not so hard.
We can download you tube from a lot of place but which would be easy and understandable this is the question. Besides you tube video format is FLV But the player is not support that so the player cann't run this so we have failed. If we search google that how can i run you tube video google represent a lot of answer but i will say only one. I think it would be better for you ?

ust browse: www.youtubecatcher.com and download first but how it use...just copy the url of that you tube video and paste here. next select medium, high, or lowes etc next save where as you like.
next you download k-lite codec software and install to see any kind of video in your computer or use any convertor to conver the file FLV to another fomate such as Mpeg, AVI etc. If this software install one time everytime it will will work. So don't it install one more.
Next time we will see you more.

News no.2
Forex trade:
Online trade can support your earning but sometimes there involves significant risks of loss. It’s true “No risk No gain”. Besides, forex or online trade loss is not suitable for all investors if you try consciously. Belajar forex may support you to choose the right way of online trade. So no more late…

News no.3
Be careful about Swinflu virus:
Now a days everybody want to know about the virus Swainflu. Based on this concept some syber crimer come out a computer virus Named Swainflu. Its spreading by e-mail. If any visitor open this e-mail. Virus Swainflu will spread instand by. Folloing this sysystem, the syber crimer can see all of the imimportant document. In this way, a computer user can lose his essential file. So don't open the email about Swainflu.

Short Profile

This site is based on Tutorial and online earnig exclusive reports. We think Chittagong city will spread some popularity from this site. Next we want to open Google Adsense.
Introduction who build up and also a owner of this site:
Name: Saurov Barua
Address: Chittagong, Bangladesh
Qualification: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)  
Subject: International Business
Mobile: +8801914027245
Email: Baruaswarup2010@gmail.com
Website: www.saurovearning.blogspot.com
Job sector I am a new freelancer of some sites. Like microworkers .com, Alertpay.com, odesk.com etc
Dream: As a well-known freelancer.
***Thanks to everybody from saurovearning.blogspot.com who have already visited this site. We have obtain a good response from 40 Countries. ***
***We update this site continuously. So visit this site regularly for getting new tutorials, online earning tips, newspaper link and modern Ict news.

Visit To Kuakata

Kuakata is one of the rarest places, which has the unique beauty of offering the full view of the rising and setting of crimson sun in the water of Bay of Bangle. Its a charmful place in Barisal Divition. Its locally known as Sagor Kanna ( Daughter of see ). Somebody think that why that place named is Kuakata ? When i have visited that place I have seen there is two Kua (which english is hole) present there. Long years ago it was used for pure water. May be it was named from kua to Kuakata.

Area:It is almost 100 km from Barisal Division and almost 320 km from Dhaka. Minimum 15 km is the total area of sea-beach. But the road condition is not so good. As its a traveling place government should proper steps to recover every problem.
Attractive places:This is one of the uncommon place in this world. Kuakata sea beach is popular for the scean of sun rise and sun set. you can sea this two item standby one place in kuakata sea-beach. lokal name ( jau bon, Rakhain market, Rakhain parra, Sutki market Fatrar char etc) are the popular place in Kuakata for traveling.You will find an excellent combination of natural beauty, sandy beach, blue sky and evergreen forest. The coconut trees of the seashore create unforgettable scenery ! Here you will find the statue of Goutom Buddha and two wells of 200 years old at the Buddshist template. Adventurous people go for fishing on the fishing boat with the local fisherman.